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Monday, December 28, 2009

Orang Meninggalkan Blog/Web, kita Dibayar ??

Bagaimana cara semua aktifitas orang lain di blog kita mendatangkan Penghasilan ?? Berapakah kamu dapat menghasilkan uang dari komputer kamu ?? Bahkan ketika di pergi berlalu saja di Web/Blog Kita?? Itu sangat di sayangkan..!! Kok bisa begitu ??? Itu sedikit pemikiran kita ketika kita membaca tulisan ini pertama kali.

Jawabanya Linkbucks..!!!

Linkbucks hampir sama dengan provider iklan seperti adsense yaitu membayar para pemilik web atau blog untuk menampilkan iklan mereka. Namun teknik yang digunakan sedikit berbeda. Linkbucks tidak memasang iklan secara langsung di web atau blog kita, tapi akan menampilkan iklan pada saat link di web kita diklik. Ada rentang beberapa detik untuk menampilkan iklan sebelum link tersebut diarahkan ke link sebenarnya. Jadi istilahnya kalau mo buka link yang kita buat maka si pengunjung akan mampir dulu ke iklan linkbucks. Iklan ini tidak harus ditunggu karena dapat langsung di-skip atau diloncati langsung menuju link sebenarnya tanpa menunggu timeout. Tapi tetap saja si pengunjung akan tetap mampir dulu ke iklan. Kita akan dibayar untuk setiap pengunjung yang mampir ke iklan linkbucks dari link milik kita.

Keuntungannya sebenarnya menurut saya adalah karena iklan tersebut tidak merusak tampilan web kita. Sehingga cukup memasukkan kode javascript maka otomatis link kita akan dibuat mampir ke iklan sebelum ke link sebenarnya. Namun kita dapat membuat pengecualian domain mana saja yang tidak ingin mampir ke iklan bila link-nya diklik.

Untuk membuat link kita dapat menampilkan iklan ada 3 cara yaitu:

  1. Membuat link satu-persatu. Cara ini anda dapat gunakan hanya untuk mengenerate alias untuk link anda. Anda cukup memasukkan link sebenarnya pada input yang tersedia dan linkbucks akan memberikan link mereka yang akan menjadi link alias untuk link yang sebenarnya.
  2. Membuat link banyak sekaligus. Bila anda ingin membuat banyak alias link sekaligus anda dapat menggunakan cara ini. Cukup memberi input semua link anda dan linkbucks akan memberikan alias untuk tiap link yang anda masukkan.
  3. Menggunakan Javascript yang akan mengubah secara otomatis link di halaman web yang kita pasangkan kode javascript linkbucks. Cara paling mudah bagi pemilik web karena tidak direpotkan untuk menggenerate tiap link yang ingin dibuat agar menampilkan iklan.

Sebenarnya cara menampilkan iklan tidak harus mampir saja. Ada dua pilihan tampilan iklan yang dapat kita pilih. Namun dari semua pilihan, mampir beberapa detik merupakan pilihan dengan bayaran terbesar. Pilihan lain adalah link akan langsung dibuka namun dengan frame banner pada bagian atas web yang dituju oleh link kita. Selain itu ada juga teknik popup iklan dimana iklan akan dibuka melalui popup window yang muncul saat link kita diklik. Sangat tidak Ane rekomendasikan menggunakan pilihan popup iklan karena secara default web browser modern memblok semua pop-up window yang bisa berakibat iklan dari link kita tidak ditampilkan dan kita tidak dibayar.

Yang unik adalah kita dapat membuat link kita menjadi iklan dimana saja. Tidak terbatas pada website tertentu saja. Misalnya. Pada forum yang dimana kita terdaftar sebagai usernya. Cukup mengenerate alias link untuk link kita dan paste di forum bila kita ingin berbagi link file, link download dan sebagainya. Teknik ini cukup ampuh untuk mendatangkan dollar karena biasanya forum memiliki pengunjung yang sangat banyak. Contoh tampilan LinkBuks

Selain dari link kita bisa membuat referal member dimana bila ada user yang signup di linkbucks dari rekomendasi kita maka setiap penghasilan dari member tersebut kita akan mendapatkan bonus 10% dari total penghasilan member yang kita referensikan. Hal ini berlaku juga untuk member tersebut, bila ada user lain mendaftar dengan referensi member kita maka kita akan mendapatkan 5% bonus dari penghasilan user yang direferensikan member kita. Konsepnya adalah 3 tingkat, jadi kita dapat memperoleh penghasilan tambahan dari member yang kita referensikan beserta member lain hingga 3 level dibawah kita. Dengan kata lain bila link kita kurang menguntungkan namun kita memilki member yang trafic-nya cukup baik maka kita juga akan memperoleh keuntungan.

Memang bayaran untuk tiap kliknya cukup kecil. Diperlukan lebih dari 500 klik untuk $1. Mungkin kurang atau mungkin lebih. Namun buat saya, paling mudah karena cukup daftar, masukkan kode javascript dan biarkan bekerja tanpa harus update dan diawasi. Sangat menarik dan mudah bukan. Silakan mencoba menjadi member linkbucks DISINI. Atau Banner di posting ini terserah kamu pokoknya yang ada tulisannya LinkBucks
Read more "Orang Meninggalkan Blog/Web, kita Dibayar ??..."

Trik Meningkatkan Pendapatan Di Google Adsense

Ho..ho.ho.. siapa sih yang tidak kenal dengan google adsense ???, semua orang tau itu. Dan ada kesempatan nih buat meningkatkan pendapatan / earning kita di mbah google adsense heheheheh... Tapi ??? dibocorin gak yah ??? Habis ane gak punya google adsense sih... Ya ane dulu pernah punya tuh account google adsense, tapi dah kena banned google adsense nya, hikhikhikhik, gara-gara temen ane, yang klak-klik sembarangan, jiattt, padahal mo dapat check pertama dari google adsense, kok malah jadi cerita sendiri yah... hohohoho. udah ah.. ntar malah tambah kebablasan hohohoho.

Nih Caranya....
Yang pertama kamu daftar dulu DISINI nih... jiah, suruh pasang iklan !!!! pasti kamu akan merasa begitu ???!!!
Tapi eit-eit tunggu dulu jangan dongkol dulu dong ?? :D BERSAMBUNG AHH gak ada yang Comment

Sambung lagi ah.. takut dikira pelit.. heheheheheh
Ketika kamu akan menentukan pilihan ini pasti akan bertanya-tanya, biasanya sih seputar ini :
1. Apakah nanti tidak klik fraud ?
2. Apakah keamanan account GA kita terjamin ?
3. Berapasih tarif iklan disana ?

Saya mencoba untuk menjawab dari ketiga pertanyaan yang sering muncul untuk dunia publisher..

  1. Sistem yang di tawarkan trekadvertising adalah dengan sistem pencarian/search, jadi ketika ada pengunjung masuk ke web atau blog kita itu berdasarkan pencarian manual mereka dan mereka hanya di perkenankan klik iklan di web atau blog kita yang menurut mereka menarik / memang membutuhkan informasi yang sedang di tampilkan, jangan khawatir, dan dengan sistem pengaturan unik IP dalam waktu 24 jam plus pengunjung internasional kebanyakan dari US, ini sudah sering dibahas di diskusi myLot.
  2. Ya... tentunya dengan pengunjung yang sebenarnya yang akan di tujukan ke web atau blog kamu dengan sistem search. Pokoknya kalau mau jelasnya silahkan kunjungi dan DAFTAR Disini dulu Baru DAFTAR disini, ntar lebih yakin lagi deh... "Paling Enak dan Menarik Buat Publisher" coba deh ntar pasti ketagihan.. heheheheheheh
  3. Kamu dapat mencoba dengan $5 dulu, ntar kalau earning kamu dah meledak kamu dapat tuambah lagi deh, soalnya aturan main mereka ketika ada orang yang hanya melihat web / blog kamu, kamu akan di bebani 200 perak atau $ 0.02, tapi kalau si pengunjung klik iklan kamu, akan di bebankan ke saldo advertising kamu sebesar 600 perak alias $ 0.06... wuih.. mantap gak tuh... hahahahahah "Coba Kamu Bayangin Berapa Pendapatan Dari GA per Kliknya" heheheheh, kayaknya ada yang 50:50 deh...
Read more "Trik Meningkatkan Pendapatan Di Google Adsense..."

Dapat $50 Per minggu Dari TrekPay

Kayaknya Ane telat nih.. posting tetang TrekPay Ya.. maklum bro NewBie jadi telatan melulu, tapi lebih baik telat dari pada tidak sama sekali heheheheheh...

Apa sih TrekPay Itu ???
TrekPay adalah Paid to Clik model baru yang di lauching pada tanggal 17 Maret 2009. Seperti hal nya PTC yang lain, TrekPay memiliki Advertiser yang memasang iklan untuk kita klik setiap harinya, namun ada beberapa perbedaan antara TrekPay dengan PTC yang lain, diantaranya adalah :

1. TrekPay memberikan award berupa
point/credits untuk setiap aktifitas yang kita kerjakan, mulai dari mengklik
iklan yang di berikan hingga mengajak teman bergabung ( referral )

2. Point/credits untuk jumlah tertentu yang didapatkan untuk selanjutnya bisa di
tukarkan/convert dengan $

3. Member di haruskan untuk mengklik iklan di Advertiser website yang terdisplay
untuk mendapatkan 1 - 3 point/credits tambahan

4. System pembayaran perminggu, diberikan antara hari Kamis hingga Selasa bagi
request membernya yang telah mencapai minimum payout $5.50 melalui Paypal.

5. Diberikan penghargaan/reward khusus untuk setiap special event di TrekPay yang besarnya antara $1-$6

6. Member bisa mendapatkan $50 perminggunya jika lebih aktif di Trekpay, dan bisa mendapatkan $ yang
lebih banyak lagi dari 12.5 % komisi Advertiser yang kita ajak bergabung.

Cara mendapatkan Point di Trekpay.

Ada beberapa cara untuk mendapatkan Point di Trekpay (yang selanjutnya nanti di tukarkan degan dollar atau $$$$ ) yaitu :

1. Mengklik iklan yang diberikan oleh Trekpay ( mengunjungi website Advertiser) yang berjumlah antara 30 - 40 site setiap harinya. Point/Credit akan di berikan untuk setiap klik iklan.

2. Mengajak teman atau mereferensikan untuk bergabung di Trekpay. Bila referral kita adalah TrekPay Advertiser, point yang di dapatkan akan lebih besar karena berhak juga mendapatkan Komisi penjualan dari referral tersebut.

Makin banyak Point/credit yang didapatkan, makin besar $ yang akan di terima.

Cara daftar di TrekPay
Berikut ini adalah langkah-langkah untuk mendaftar di TrekPay :
1. klik atau klik banner di bawah ini atau DI SINI

2. Klik SIGN FREE ( ada di paling bawah )
3. Isi data data anda dengan benar dan juga account paypal anda
4. Apabila sudah mendaftar silahkan login
5. setelah login klik BROWSE / SEARCH
6. kemudian lihat di kanan bawah ada tulisan PAGE,nah di bawah tulisan PAGE ada link link iklan,silahkan di klik untuk mendapatkan poin / kreditnya.
7. Setelah selesai mengklik link iklan.silahkan klik ACCOUNT untuk mengetahui poin / kredit yang anda dapatkan.

Meningkatkan pendapatan adsense Google Kamu Di SINI

Read more "Dapat $50 Per minggu Dari TrekPay..."

Friday, November 27, 2009

Directory Website Promotion

Directory website promotion is one important aspect of ensuring your website is found anytime a customer comes looking. The use of directories goes beyond the benefits provided by simple search engine optimization (SEO) and key word placement. Directories deliver extended value and provide you with more visibility and control.
Without the proper tools in place, it is easy to understand why certain website promoters believe SEO is enough to drive traffic to a website. After all, the majority of people use search engines such as Google and Yahoo! to search for information on specific topics. For those individuals who already know what they are looking for and want to weed through the junk, directories provide a much more organized approach to valuable information. to make money online

*Value in the Content

The reality of the science of the Internet dictates certain sites will use key word optimization to drive traffic of any kind to their site. This is fine for sites seeking only to increase their numbers of generated ad dollars through clicks. Such a strategy will fall flat for the company seeking to drive purchase ready customers to their site.

When your site offers valuable content relevant to visitors who land on your site, you have a much better change of ranking high in a directory. For this reason, experienced online marketing firms will encourage you towards directory website promotion. In other words, design your site such that directories quickly log and rank its performance and content.

*Stickiness Matters

A website is sticky when it grabs the attention of the visitor and keeps them on the site. A customer's time is very valuable and if he or she is looking for very specific information, he or she will not stay on a site more than a second or two if the site doesn't offer what he or she is looking for.

When you develop a strategy that grabs the right customer from the search engine result and keeps them on your site looking at information, services or products, you have achieved some level of stickiness with the customer. If they return a second time and/or take action, you have achieved the goal of any marketing campaign. The stickiness of your site is captured by directories and contributes to your rank. Keep this in mind when developing directory website promotion campaigns.

*Will They Act

Keep in mind the realities of business when developing directory website promotion for your site. No matter how great your website looks or how high it ranks on a Google search return, if it does not compel the visitor to act, it doesn't matter how many hits you have. Yes, the hits are still captured and ranked by the directory, but that alone doesn't make you money.

A proven provider such as Wag the Dog Marketing can deliver considerable value in designing your marketing and promotions to ensure those who land on your site take action. This will ensure you can drive revenue and execute a sustainable strategy to capitalize on the value you already offer.

By Elroy Evans
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How to Promote Your Restaurant Through Its Website

Because of the economy being all over the place at the moment, it is now more important than ever to use your website as a tool to get new business. Because of this, many restaurant owners are now looking to expand their presence on the web rather than use it merely as a source for a menu or opening times. So how can you promote a restaurant online? Before I begin, you could maybe consider a couple of the following points to convert those web visitors into bookings and make money online:

* Is there something special you can 'push' about your restaurant to make money online with more information?
* Are you able to offer discounts on orders found from the web?

You will need to decide which keywords you wish to be coming up for in searches. For example, 'Italian restaurant' is going to be far too vague if you've only got one premises. Maybe 'Italian restaurant Sussex' may be more fitting. (The county appended to the end is a commonly used search for local businesses and make money online). Of course, if you're a national business, then you may wish to be appearing at the top for 'Italian restaurant'. OK, let's say for arguments sake you chose 'Italian restaurant' as your main search term. In reality, you would usually choose two or three keywords. Search engine optimisation is a term for collectively carrying out the following tasks, to get to the top for your chosen search term may however require working harder than some other keywords depending on the competition. This next stage is divided into two stages, on-site and off-site optimisation. This is by no means a comprehensive list but should get you off the ground at least.

On-Site Optimisation

OK, I'm going to summarise with bullet points here - in the previous example of 'italian restaurant' on-site optimisation would involve:

* Sufficient use of H1 tags - with the keyword 'Italian restaurant' in there. (Basically you want a relative heading which makes use of H1)
* Ensuring the
* Ensuring the webpages load quickly - even it todays modern era - if it's taking too long, the Googlebot will leave without indexing any further.
* Create a page specifically for the term 'italian restaurant' with 'Italian-restaurant' in the url. It might be index.php?p=Italian-restaurant, it might be Italian-restaurant.html depending on your setup.
* Now with some good thinking, fill the Italian-restaurant page with plenty of text about Italian restaurants. Obviously as a business, I expect you don't want to publicise other businesses - so why not do a page on the history of Italian restaurants?

Off-Site Optimisation

Now comes the tricky part! Google gives each webpage a value, for the purposes of example, let's say your rank value is 1, your opponents rank value is 4. If you're both competing for the same keyword, your opponent will rank higher as they've got a higher rank value for that keyword. To increase this rank value for your site, you need to build links to your website from relevant websites. Surprisingly, this process has been given the term 'link building'. So how do you build links? Today, I will just explain the legitimate, what we call 'White Hat' techniques for building links to your site.

* Setup a signature link on any forums you post on.
* Submit
your self to as many web directories (manually - avoid auto submissions).
* Find 'eat out guides' and submit yourself to as many as possible.
* Find review sites, submit yourself for a review.
* If you regularly visit blogs always leave a comment with your URL.

One last thing to note - when you're building links try to always include the term 'Italian Restaurant' in your anchor text. For example, this may involve submitting yourself to directories with the name of 'Angelos Italian Restaurant' in order for you to get the relevant anchor text. Remember - with blogs, only comment if you feel you can add something of value to the discussion - and at least read the blog - that is somebody's website so don't be rude! So there it is - some site promotion tips, this should be enough to get you started at least and lets make money online. I wish you much luck in the promotion of your business.

If you're looking for Web Design in Sussex or across the UK then contact New Method website design. We're a website design company in Horsham, Sussex which offers eye catching website design and search engine friendly websites.

By Charlie Essex
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Promote Websites ???

Do you want to get into the online marketing business? You need to consider several important aspects and the most significant of those aspects would be how to promote websites. No matter what type of business you are engaged in, you must possess right determination and zeal to succeed, in addition to the general aspects of good quality products and services. Apart from this particular aspect, the principles of work and the applications of management skills are extremely crucial as well.

Like any other business, these ethics are similar to do resell business of web hosting services. All the above mentioned factors are important, but apart from that, there are some particular aspects that are required to be considered for the purpose of establishing one's character as a reseller of web hosting services. In order to become a successful web hosting reseller, the following points can be taken into consideration. Here we are focusing on few vital characteristics related to online marketing strategies and the process of how to promote a website.

It is extremely vital for you that you understand what your requirement is. You might focus on the affordability aspect of the website, or you may want your website to be of extremely superior quality. Based on your requirement, the web hosting providers will offer you customized services for your website.

To be familiar with how to promote websites, you need to understand that the website's quality is not always dependent on the web hosting cost of the website. There might be several web hosting providers that provide excellent quality service at unbelievably affordable rates. On the other hand, there is also some web hosting companies that charge expensive rates, but the quality of output is not satisfactory. If you have some knowledge of how to promote websites, then you can get the idea of the kind of service that your web hosting company will provide. So, with your knowledge and your requirement, you can avail the most suitable website with better results.

Another vital factor for properly promoting the website is the selection of right domain name. Try to be as innovative as you can while choosing the domain name of your website as it is one of the crucial factors in the process of how to promote websites. If the domain name is unique and innovative and that suits the tone of your business, then it can easily reach its target clients. Assignment of proper domain family name is very important to establish and maintain a sound brand image. Therefore, your selection of domain name must be catchy and easy to understand. Remember to keep these entire aspects in mind, when you plan to have your own website.

When you start your efforts in website promotions, you must first have a reliable web hosting. Dreamhost has 10 years of reputation to host websites and start make money online. Sign up with dreamhost and get a discount.

By Dhruv Patel
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3 Powerful Free Web Promotion Methods to Boost Your Internet Business

If you are just starting an internet business, you might want to consider free web promotion ways in order to keep your operating costs low. It cannot be denied that not everybody has the financial means to start a marketing campaign aggressively. Many internet business owners have admitted that marketing and advertising form a large part of their operating costs. Fortunately, effective free web promotion methods are available for business owners to market their products.

The first and easiest method of web promotion is article marketing. A newbie internet marketer may not be familiar with this traffic generation strategy, but many resources are available for anybody to get started with this marketing approach. Many website owners have realized its effectiveness and are getting a lot of traffic from article marketing. This method requires the internet business owner to write an article providing information to interested readers. The writer's biography is included at the bottom of the article. The biography normally consists of the writer's name and website address. The articles can then be submitted to article directories where other webmasters may choose to publish on their own website. Subsequently, the original writer will receive free web promotion as more and more webmasters publish the articles.

Another free web promotion technique is by means of writing a press release. When you submit a press release, you are highlighting news and events about your company. For example, you might want to submit a press release if you are holding a contest or a special sale of your products. This is a free advertising for your company, which many business owners have achieved success with. There are quite a number of press release websites where you can submit your news for free. Please ensure that your contact information are correctly submitted for identity confirmation by the website owner.

The third approach for free web promotion is search engine marketing. By this method, your website gains a good positioning on the search engines. To achieve this, you must have a website which is rich with updated content and useful information. Make sure that you have the proper keywords describing your content so that the search engines are able to recognize what your website is about. However, avoid stuffing your website with keywords in order to avoid being penalized.

These are a few of the free web promotion techniques that are available. If done properly, it could be very effective in increasing traffic to your website and make you succeed with your internet business.

If you want more information in promoting your internet business, Kamsani invites you to visit his website at to download free ebooks on affiliate marketing and search engine marketing and subscribe to his newsletters to show you how to build a $100,000 home business.

By Kamsani Mohd
Article Source:
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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Video Conferencing For Businesses

When you have a business and you need to involve several people who are all in different places, there is several ways to get everyone together. One way is to fly everyone out to a central location, pay for a hotel, meals and whatever else a person may need for the meeting. But, there is a more cost efficient alternative. It is called video conferencing. This way you can have everyone seeing the same presentation, but do not have to have everyone actually in the room. Since you can save so much money in this way it allows you to spend more on the actual equipment to have your conference.

Video conferencing is also a very efficient way to get information out to the people that need to be informed. With video conferencing, you can actually have signs that will let everyone know where the conference is as far as agenda, waiting times and other such information. That is an example of video conferencing. On the screen you can have the estimated wait time, who is running behind and if there are any cancellations. This also works in a video conference situation if you have a sign in page with all this information.

I have been to several conference calls and I have found them to be very accommodating and informative. They are the same as a regular conference except you don't have to sit on a crowded plane, stay in a cramped hotel, or sit next to someone who had the garlic special for lunch. I personally feel that video conferencing will eventually be the only way that meetings are held. It also eliminates several incidences of traffic related excuses or things like that. If a person is scheduled, then there is really no excuse for them not to be present.

With video conferencing that easy way to make money online, a meeting is also a more private undertaking. You can have other things going on at the office when otherwise they would have to wait until you returned. In that way it is also cost efficient, as more work is getting finished. You do not need to come back to the office and finish the work. These two things are positive for your business. You just have to get used to not seeing a person face to face.

To get video conference and other audio visual equipments, visit ESCO Audio Visual now.

Feel free to publish this article on your website and make money online, or send it to your friends, as long as you keep the resource box and the content of the article intact.

By Charles Cheow
More information
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Mau Gajian $100 Dari PayPal

Cukup gabung ke applikasi facebook bernama Paypal Wishlist kamu bisa langsung

mendapatkan uang $1. Kemudian jika kamu menginginkan untuk mendapatkan $1 kamu harus mereferensikan program ini ke pengguna lainnya. Untuk bisa menerima Earning, total keseluruhan yang harus dicapai maksimal $100, setelah itu layanan PayPal Wishlist akan langsung mengirimkan duit ke rekening PayPal Anda ini salah satu cara make money online.
Sesuai dengan ketentuan pihak Wishlist, maka penghasilan Anda baru dapat diterima pada tanggal 28 Februari 2010. Tenang masih lama kok dan lets go make money online mau informasi lebih banyak colek disini??.

Cara mendaftar:
  • Login dengan account Facebook Anda
  • Kemudian masuk ke halaman promosi Paypal Wishlist
  • Masukkan alamat email Paypal yang sudah terverifikasi, kalo belum punya PayPal daftar aja dulu program PayPal Wishlist, urusan verifikasi email PayPal belakangan aja.
  • Langkah terakhir tinggal membuat Wishlist Anda. Lalu share aja langsung ke teman-teman Anda di Facebook.
Buruan yang belum punya account paypal daftar di bawah ini ya and make money online now
Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.
Paypal Wishlist Scam?
Daftar dulu aja gratis kok... :D
TOP EARNERS Paypal Wishlist
Om Anung
Om Cosa
Om Suwandi Chow
Sumber dari
Read more "Mau Gajian $100 Dari PayPal..."

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Menulis Ringkasan Dibayar ...

Situs ringkasan dunia
Bagi para netter ada salah satu keuntungan kita, ketika kita melakukan aktivitas di dunia internet dan sekalian make money online sekarang
1. Dapat sharing ilmu
2. dapat sharing pengalaman
3. Dapat sharing pendapatan
4. Mendapatkan penghasilan

paid for review, paid for writing perupakan beberapa program di internet

yang dapat kita manfaatkan, untuk mendulang dollar di internet. salah satunya program milik svoong..... sekedar informasi saja untuk saling sharing.... bagi yang belum tahu silahkan infonya nih... dan yang mau DAFTAR silahkan make money online
Read more "Menulis Ringkasan Dibayar ......"

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Download and Upload Center

Bagi yang ingin sharing ilmu pengetahuan, informasi, software, driver dan security klik disini Nanti linknya di shared ya..... ^_^
Dan yang ingin mendownload secara gratis silahkan dan make money online(^_*)... Read more "Download and Upload Center..."

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pilih GOOGLE or YAHOO...???

Ada yang tau serch enggine terbesar ???, dialah GOOGLE "Si Mesin pencari raksasa".
Tapi sekarang YAHOO pun mo menyaingi si Search Enggine terbesar itu....
Tak tanggung-tanggung, YAHOO juga berani membayar bagi siapa saja yang mau menggunakan Program search engine milik YAHOO untuk mencari apa saja.

Tiap pencarian yang melalui YAHOO SEARCH ENGINE akan mendapatkan bayaran dan make money online dengan nominal tertentu dalam mata uang Poundsterling yang nantinya dapat dikirim melalui account bank virtual anda di
Dengan semakin banyaknya anda menggunakan YAHOO search engine tersebut, semakin banyak pula bayaran yang akan anda dapatkan tiap bulannya lets do it make money online.

Bagi anda yang ingin mencoba ambil andil dalam bisnis YAHOO tersebut, berikut saya sertakan step-step untuk registrasi (FREE):

1) kunjungi situsnya di
2) kemudian klik (GET STARTED FOR FREE).
3) isi semua kolom yang tersedia sesuai dengan data diri anda.
4) beri tanda checklist pada kolom (I have read and understood the Terms & Conditions).
5) klik (> Step Two).
6) cek username dan password yang telah dikirim ke email anda.
7) sign in pada situs tadi.
8) Gunakan (YAHOO search) di pojok kanan atas sesering mungkin.
9) dan cek saldo anda keesokan harinya (tepat 1 hari).

Saya jamin, saldo anda pasti akan bertambah.

Semakin banyak anda menggunakan YAHOO search engine & semakin banyak anda menyebar luaskan link tadi sesuai versi anda, maka akan semakin banyak pula uang yang dapat anda peroleh.

1) Pahami bagaimana sistem ini bekerja
YAHOO membayar anda sebesar 0.01 pounds setiap 3 pencarian yang Anda lakukan melalui YAHOO SEARCH ENGINE. Point akan terus dikumpulkan sampai mencapai nilai minimum 20 pounds untuk di transfer ke email Paypal Anda setiap bulannya.

Paypal adalah sebuah bank virtual di dunia maya yang secara resmi dinaungi oleh hukum negara Singapore. Jadi bank ini benar-benar aman.

(Jika Anda belum memiliki account bank virtual tersebut, silahkan mendaftar di

2) Maksimalkan penggunaan YAHOO SEARCH ENGINE
Jadikan account YAHOO BUSINESS Anda sebagai default homepage pada browser internet Anda. Sehingga siapapun yang melakukan pencarian dari homepage tersebut akan menambah point Anda. Caranya copy link berikut
(dengan 6 no digit terakhir diganti dengan no Id Anda)
Kemudian klik Tools - Options / Internet Options - Paste (pada kotak Home page) - OK

Kemudian lakukan pencarian minimum 12 kali setiap harinya (bukan ketetapan baku & dapat diubah sesuai keinginan Anda). Anda dapat mengetikkan kata-kata asal dan melakukan pencarian, hal ini akan tetap dihitung sebagai sebuah pencarian.

3) Ajak orang lain untuk menjadi member Anda
Untuk mengajak orang lain agar mau menjadi anggota member Anda, bujuk dia agar mau mendaftar di link berikut ini
(dengan 6 no digit terakhir diganti dengan no Id Anda).

Sekedar Tips:
Ubahlah nama account Anda pada Account details (misal: someone, somebody, account, dll)
sehingga saat orang lain mendaftar dia tidak merasa sebagai anggota di bawah Anda.

4) Cari anggota sebanyak-banyaknya
Buat sebuah target untuk dapat mengumpulkan anggota sebanyak-banyaknya. Misal untuk bulan pertama coba buat target untuk mengumpulkan 100 orang.Anda dapat dapat mengajak orang lain melalui Chating, email atau membuat artikel-artikel dan memasukkannya ke blog-blog sebanyak mungkin.

5) Bimbing seluruh anggota yang berhasil Anda kumpulkan
Beritahu mereka bagaimana cara menjalankan bisnis ini dengan baik & benar, mulai dari menjelaskan segala sesuatunya secara detail hingga memberikan Tips dan Trik Anda untuk membantu mereka.

Berikut saya sertakan ilustrasi pendapatan yang akan Anda dapatkan apabila mengikuti tahapan-tahapan seperti diatas:

Dalam 1 hari Anda melakukan sebanyak12 pencarian, dalam sebulan Anda akan mendapatkan = 3.6 Pounds (sekitar Rp. 59.000)

Apabila Anda berhasil mengumpulkan 100 orang dan tiap orang melakukan 12 pencarian / hari Anda akan mendapat = 39.6 Pounds (sekitar Rp.655.000)
Itu adalah perhitungan bersih, tentunya pasti tidak akan setiap hari kita rutin melakukan pencarian sebanyak 12 kali, dan tentunya kita juga tidak dapat mengatur anggota kita untuk melakukan pencarian seperti yang kita tentukan.

Untuk itu cara yang paling jitu adalah mengajak orang sebanyak-banyaknya untuk menjadi anggota agar akumulasi pencarian yang mereka lakukan dapat menutupi jumlah pencarian yang telah kita tentukan sebelumnya. Dengan kata lain kita tidak harus sering-sering bekerja. Cukup sesekali melakukan beberapa pencarian dan lihat saldo Anda.

Anda tidak akan terkejut lagi setelah mengalaminya.

Demikian penjelasan saya kepada Anda semoga bermanfaat dalam membantu Anda menjalankan bisnis ini.

Salam perkenalan dari Saya,
Sumber dari :
Read more "Pilih GOOGLE or YAHOO...???..."

Main Facebook Dapet Uang....??? Mau...!!!

Memang dunia internet tidak ada matinya, dan ada aja peluang untuk mendapatkannya salah satunya situs jejaring pertemanan yang lagi booming di Indonesia. Dengan traffic rank yang sangat bagus menjadi peluang bisnis pula bagi para mereka yang memandang jeli peluang ini.... Masa sihh main FB dapat uang??????????? Mau info lengkapnya KLIK DISINI YA Read more "Main Facebook Dapet Uang....??? Mau...!!!..."

Monday, November 2, 2009


Xoom was founded by Chris Kitze in September 1996 as a download website offering free clipart and a productivity suite including a word-processing application, centering around a word processor based on Wordstar. In March 1997, Xoom became a web hosting (offering 100MB) and an e-mail hosting website. The company acquired several small service providers in 1997 and 1998, including Paralogic, creator of ParaChat which was the largest chat network on the web at the time, and PageCount, a page counter service. The main revenue sources for the company were direct marketing via email to members and banner advertising.

The company was funded by a former Lycos executive who had previously started Creative Multimedia (Portland, OR), Aris Multimedia (Marina del Rey, CA) and Point Communications (New York, NY), and angel investors who invested a total of $10M in common stock. No venture capital was raised and the company went public in December, 1998 (ticker symbol: XMCM). Around that time, it was ranked as the 13th most popular site on the web by Media Metrix. In May 1999, a deal was announced to use as a vehicle for NBC's internet ventures, that combined (owned by CNET and NBC), and various NBC internet assets plus $400M of NBC on-air promotion to form NBC Internet (NBCi). At that time, the combined entity was ranked as the 7th most popular site on the web by Media Metrix.

From 2001-2002, NBC briefly changed its web address to, in a heavily-advertised attempt at launching a multi-faceted internet portal with e-mail, webhosting, community, chat, personalization and news capabilities. NBCi later discontinued website hosting, and the NBCi website was acquired by Infospace and turned into a portal for content from other NBC Universal websites.

The domain "" is now held by the Xoom Corporation, a money transfer website.

Xoom was both criticized and praised for its strict policies on violations of terms of service.

A short-lived experiment in franchising and licensing the Xoom software platform and business model in 1998 led to an Italian website,
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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Biindit Bayar 2x lipat! Hitung 2x!

Ada satu lagi nih kabar yang menggembirakan program adsense yang support dengan para blogger di indonesia namanya biindit ( salah satu sumber make money online nih), dengan promo yang mengasikan Bayar 2x lipat! Hitung 2x!.. hehehe baik ya.??? sekarang saatnya make money online

Pas mo cari adsense indonesia pakai serch enggine google kok ada muncul iklan blogger wajib gabung ada tulisan biindit, wah3x kayaknya gw harus ikutan nih ternyata pas waktu dibuka simsalabim muncullah biindit dengan Bayar 2x lipat! Hitung 2x! nya.. enak gak tuh.. yang masih penasaran silahkan datangin aja nih di gambar ini.. Mumpung masih baru dan masih blom banyak saingan.. mau gak nih Bayar 2x lipat! Hitung 2x! dan make money online now..

Maju terus adsense indonesia, silahkan yang mo nyicipin biindit.......
Read more "Biindit Bayar 2x lipat! Hitung 2x!..."

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Stop Dreaming Start Action

Stop Dreaming Start Action adalah sebuah gerakan untuk tidak bermimpi dan lihatlah kenyataan yang ada lalu lakukan yang kamu mau untuk mencapai keinginan yang kamu inginkan. Seperti halnya dalam training motivasi seperti ESQ, IQ, EQ, SQ, kaidah ini bertujuan untuk mengubah cara berpikir kita. Seperti yang kita dengar saat training motivasi salah satunya trainer Mario Teguh. Dia mengajak kita untuk mau Mengembalikan Jati Diri Bangsa kita. Mari kita lakukan mulai dari diri kita sendiri. (dari berbagai sumber).

Wah..wah.. buanyak banget blogger yang ikut kontes SEO ini ya.. heheheh. Ya itulah kontes SEO yang diprakarsai oleh Internet Marketer Indonesia Om Joko Susilo. Ada hadiahnya pula...
Katanyasih dengan mengambil tema Stop Dreaming Start Action akan menambah ranting kita di search enggine google khususnya weleh2x apa bener ya..?? Saya sih gak tau tuh ya mungkin juga dengan sekitar 20 jutaan blogger yang make money online dan yang berada di Indonesia sangatlah mungkin untuk cepat tenar dengan Stop Dreaming Start Action itu.

Tapi bagus banget tuh ide Om Joko Susilo dengan Stop Dreaming Start Action, karena turut membangun motivasi kita sebagai orang awam yang ingin ikut terjun ke dunia Internet Marketing. Buruan bagi yang belum punya blog dan start make money online cara buat ya gampang kok masuk ke aja. Heheheheh.....

Kembali ke Stop Dreaming Start Action...
Ya..... kata menyesal mungkin yang dapat saya ungkapkan heheheheh, padahal dulu sekitar tahun 2004 an saya sudah diajak ikut dunia ini sama mba Anne Akhira, waktu itu memang ada sebuah pelatihan internet marketing di kota saya, namun pada waktu itu saya hanya berpikiran, apa iya? apa bener? dsb ( dan saya bingung ) bahwa kita dapat mencari uang lewat dan make money onlineinternet. Ternyata sekarang semuannya sudah terjawab makanya ayo buruan Stop Dreaming Start Action dan make money online now. Jangan cuman bengong ntar nyesel loh.. heheheheheh.

Udah ah.. gw blom tau banyak nih tentang internet marketing mo belajar dulu ya.... hihihihihi pokoknya Stop Dreaming Start Action dah....
Read more "Stop Dreaming Start Action..."

Google Adsense Sekarang Sudah Bisa Pakai Western Union Quick Cash

Konon kabarnya Google Adsense sudah dapat memberikan bayarannya kepada publisher yang ada di Indonesia dengan Western Union Quick Cash... wuih enak tuh yang dah pada gajian dari sana heheheheh. Dan konon kabarnya gratis pula...wahwahwah. Tapi perlu diinget juga bahwa kalau mau masuk ke google adsense sekarang susah juga... Kalau yang masih seumur jagung dalam dunia internet marketing kaya saya heheheheh.

Apa itu.......

Western Union Quick Cash..... adalah metode pembayaran yang digunakan untuk menerima pembayaran AdSense secara tunai menggunakan layanan transfer uang Western Union di seluruh dunia. Pembayaran dapat diambil di Agen Western Union setempat sehari setelah dikirimkan berdasarkan jadwal pembayaran normal.

Ini berarti Anda tidak perlu menunggu pengiriman cek. Memilih pembayaran melalui Western Union juga dapat menghemat biaya bank dan waktu kliring panjang terkait dengan penyetoran cek.

Pembayaran Western Union Quick Cash akan dilakukan dalam dollar A.S. Namun, Anda dapat memilih untuk menerima pembayaran dalam mata uang domestik di sebagian besar lokasi Agen Western Union. Tingkat konversi akan dihitung berdasarkan kurs yang digunakan Agen Western Union pada hari pengambilan pembayaran.
Untuk menerima pembayaran AdSense melalui Western Union Quick Cash, ikuti. Perlu diketahui bahwa saat ini, pilihan pembayaran tersebut hanya tersedia bagi penayang perorangan. Gratis looh…..tanpa dikenai biaya dari google adsense.

Nih Caranya….
Jika ingin menerima penghasilan melalui Western Union Quick Cash, selesaikan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut. Perlu diketahui bahwa saat ini, pilihan pembayaran tersebut hanya tersedia bagi penayang perorangan.

1. Sign in ke account Anda di
2. Kunjungi tab Account Saya.
3. Klik link 'edit' di sebelah kepala 'Rincian Pembayaran'.
4. Pilih tombol radio Western Union Quick Cash.
5. Klik 'Lanjut'.
6. Klik 'Simpan Perubahan' untuk menyimpan jenis pembayaran tersebut.

Pastikan nama pada account Anda cocok dengan nama pada kartu tanda pengenal resmi yang akan digunakan untuk mengambil pembayaran Western Union Quick Cash. Beritahukan kami jika ingin memperbarui nama penerima pembayaran pada account. Kami akan dengan senang hati membantu Anda.

Perlu diketahui juga bahwa kami tidak dapat menjamin pembayaran untuk siklus berikutnya dalam bentuk pembayaran ini jika pilihan ditentukan setelah tanggal 15 pada bulan tersebut. Misalnya, agar pembayaran penghasilan bulan Maret melalui Western Union Quick Cash dapat dilakukan, selesaikan langkah-langkah di atas sebelum tanggal 15 April.
Read more "Google Adsense Sekarang Sudah Bisa Pakai Western Union Quick Cash..."

Kejadian-kejadian yang sering dialami blogger Indonesia

Ketika kita mengalami hal kaya kaya gini apa yang akan kita lakukan..????


While going through our records recently, we found that your AdSense
account has posed a significant risk to our AdWords advertisers. Since
keeping your account in our publisher network may financially damage our
advertisers in the future, we've decided to disable your account.

Please understand that we consider this a necessary step to protect the
interests of both our advertisers and our other AdSense publishers. We
realize the inconvenience this may cause you, and we thank you in advance
for your understanding and cooperation.

If you have any questions about your account or the actions we've taken,
please do not reply to this email. You can find more information by


The Google AdSense Team

To access the Google AdSense home page or to log in to your account,
please visit:

Diatas merupakan salah satu contoh surat PHK dari om Google Adsense alias salah satu sumber make money online kita, ya.. itulah resiko sebagai publisher...hik..hik..hik.
Bayangan memperoleh penghasilan dari apa yang kita usahakan untuk make money online selama ini pupus. Pesen nih buat para publisher NewBie kaya saya juga hehehehehe, camkan baik2 jangan melakukan klik fraud.. ya.. ntar kita sendiri yang rugi.
Read more "Kejadian-kejadian yang sering dialami blogger Indonesia..."

Apa itu Kumpul Bloger..??

Sekilas tentang

Adalah Jaringan Blogger Indonesia untuk mendapatkan alternatif penghasilan tambahan, dengan cara menyediakan spot/ruangan pada blognya sebagai tempat menyampaikan pesan komersial dari Advertiser

Untuk Siapa

Target Market adalah Blogger Indonesia dan Advertiser Lokal, dimana Blogger menyediakan Media dan Advertiser Memasok Pesan Komersial didalam Blog-blog yang terhubung pada jaringan

Cara Kerja

Blogger mendaftarkan blognya, copy dan paste code yang diberikan, Pasang Code tersebut pada Blog masing-masing Blogger. Advertiser mendaftarkan keanggotaan pada, melakukan kegiatan publishing, materi artikel/iklan/promotional yang disubmit oleh advertiser akan disebarkan kepada seluruh Blog yang terjaring dalam

Nah.. sekarang terserah pada para NewBie seperti saya untuk memilih program-program pay per clik yang ada di dunia maya. Pesen nih untuk para NewBie seperti saya untuk belajar mulai terjun ke dunia adsense khususnya alangkah lebih baik kita menggunakan adsense bangsa sendiri ya..gak?? biar sesama orang pribumi saling membangun.

Read more "Apa itu Kumpul Bloger..??..."

Friday, July 17, 2009

Program Periklanan

Traffic Exchange with 160,000+ members

Hehehehe... bukan rahasia umum lagi, bahwa para bloger kita membuat sebuah blog disamping sebagai media komunikasi, informasi dan curahan hati mungkin..???? Maka juga ada sisi bisnisnya. Saya sendiri yang baru belajar ingin cepet2 dapat penghasilan.. hahahaha.... Cukup...

Apasih program periklanan semua orang pun sudah tau.. apa itu iklan..? apalagi jaman sekarang. Ya .... singkat kata ada pembuat produk ingin produknya laku ya dikenalkan ke konsumen.. iya toooo... Sebagai sarana medianya sekarang sudah buanyyyyak banget, ada koran, majalah, spanduk, famflet, televisi dan juga internet.
Bersambung dulu ya.... ngantuk nih... wkwkwkwk..

Lanjut lagi ah....
Ada buanyak banget situs-situs yang menawarkan untuk menjadikan para bloger ataupun orang yang punya website untuk mendapatkan $$$$$ (uang).
Nah.. ini salah satunya produk dari om google dengan program google adsensenya, ada siapa lagi ya....?? Maklum newbie.. jd baru tau sedikit demi sedikit lama2 menjadi bukit. Oh iya Adbrite, ntar gw cari lagi ya referensinya..hmhmhm jd malu....Tapi eit3x tunggu dulu di indonesia juga banyak nih ada adsensecamp, ppcinbox, indovertiser, kumpul blogger dan yang terbaru nih dan kayaknya mo jadi saingan google adsense biindit... hua..hua..hua... yang menjanjikan 2x bayar... enak gak tuh... ternyata indonesia juga dah banyak ya.... maju terus adsense indonesia. Hmhmhm jadi kepengin nih....

Walaupun banyak pilihan kita tetep harus selektif, apalagi mo daftar yang internasional huhhhh, klo newbie kaya saya jangan dulu deh... mendingan daftar yang lokal dulu aja.. ya.. semoga sukse.. Go..go..go Adsense Indonesia Read more "Program Periklanan..."

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Affiliate marketing :

Affiliate marketing is an Internet-based marketing practice in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate's marketing efforts.

Affiliate marketing is also the name of the industry where a number of different types of companies and individuals are performing this form of Internet marketing, including affiliate networks, affiliate management companies, and in-house affiliate managers, specialized third party vendors, and various types of affiliates/publishers who promote the products and services of their partners.

Affiliate marketing overlaps with other Internet marketing methods to some degree, because affiliates often use regular advertising methods. Those methods include organic search engine optimization, paid search engine marketing, e-mail marketing, and in some sense display advertising. On the other hand, affiliates sometimes use less orthodox techniques, such as publishing reviews of products or services offered by a partner.

Affiliate marketing—using one website to drive traffic to another—is a form of online marketing, which is frequently overlooked by advertisers.[citation needed] While search engines, e-mail, and website syndication capture much of the attention of online retailers, affiliate marketing carries a much lower profile. Still, affiliates continue to play a significant role in e-retailers' marketing strategies.

Compensation methods

Compensation methods (Remuneration), Pricing models and business models used for the different types of internet marketing, including affiliate marketing, contextual advertising, search engine marketing (including vertical comparison shopping search engines and local search engines) and display advertising.

Pay-per-sale (PPS) - (revenue share)

Cost-per-sale (CPS). Advertiser pays the publisher a percentage of the order amount (sale) that was created by a customer who was referred by the publisher. This form of compensation is also referred to as revenue sharing.

Pay-per-lead (PPL)/pay-per-action (PPA)

Cost-per-action or cost-per-acquisition (CPA), cost per lead (CPL). Advertiser pays publisher a commission for every visitor referred by the publisher to the advertiser (web site) and performs a desired action, such as filling out a form, creating an account or signing up for a newsletter. This compensation model is very popular with online services from internet service providers, cell phone providers, banks (loans, mortgages, credit cards) and subscription services.

Special CPA compensation models


Similar to pay per click, pay per call is a business model for ad listings in search engines and directories that allows publishers to charge local advertisers on a per-call basis for each lead (call) they generate (CPA). Advertiser pays publisher a commission for phone calls received from potential prospects as response to a specific publisher ad.

The term "pay per call" is sometimes confused with click-to-call, the technology that enables the “pay-per-call” business model. Call-tracking technology allows to create a bridge between online and offline advertising. Click-to-call is a service which lets users click a button or link and immediately speak with a customer service representative. The call can either be carried over VoIP, or the customer may request an immediate call back by entering their phone number. One significant benefit to click-to-call providers is that it allows companies to monitor when online visitors change from the website to a phone sales channel.

Pay-per-call is not just restricted to local advertisers. Many of the pay-per-call search engines allows advertisers with a national presence to create ads with local telephone numbers. Pay-per-call advertising is still new and in its infancy, but according to the Kelsey Group, the pay-per-phone-call market is expected to reach US$3.7 billion by 2010.

Pay-per-install (PPI)

Advertiser pays publisher a commission for every install by a user of usually free applications bundled with adware applications. Users are prompted first if they really want to download and install this software. Pay per install is included in the definition for pay per action (like cost-per-acquisition), but its relationship to how adware is distributed made the use of this term versus pay per action more popular to distinguish it from other CPA offers that pay for software downloads. The term pay per install is being used beyond the download of adware. Pay per Install

Pricing models in search engine marketing

Pay-per-click (PPC)

Cost-per-click (CPC). Advertiser pays publisher a commission every time a visitor clicks on the advertiser's ad. It is irrelevant (for the compensation) how often an ad is displayed. commission is only due when the ad is clicked. See also click fraud.

Pay per action (PPA)

Cost-per-action (CPA). Search engines started to experiment with this compensation method in spring 2007.

Pricing modes in display advertising

Pay-per-impression (PPI)

Cost-per-mil (mil/mille/M = Latin/Roman numeral for thousand) impressions. Publisher earns a commission for every 1,000 impressions (page views/displays) of text, banner image or rich media ads.

Pay per action (PPA) or cost per action (CPA)

Cost-per-action (CPA). Used by display advertising as pricing mode as early as 1998 . By mid-2007 the CPA/Performance pricing mode (50%) superseded the CPM pricing mode (45%) and became the dominant pricing mode for display advertising .

Shared CPM

Shared Cost-per-mil (CPM) is a pricing model in which two or more advertisers share the same ad space for the duration of a single impression (or page view) in order to save CPM costs. Publishers offering a shared CPM pricing model generally offer a discount to compensate for the reduced exposure received by the advertisers that opt to share online ad space in this way. Inspired by the rotating billboards of outdoor advertising, the shared CPM pricing model can be implemented with either refresh scripts (client-side JavaScript) or specialized rich media ad units. Publishers that opt to offer a shared CPM pricing model with their existing ad management platforms must employ additional tracking methods to ensure accurate impression counting and separate click-through tracking for each advertiser that opts to share a particular ad space with one or more other advertisers.

Compensation methods in contextual advertising

pay-per-click (PPC)

See PPC/CPC in Search engine marketing.

Pay-per-impression (PPI)

see PPI/CPM in Display Advertising

Google AdSense offers this compensation method for its "Advertise on this site" feature that allows advertisers to target specific publisher sites within the Google content network.

Compensation methods grid

There are different names used for the same type of compensation method and some compensation methods are actually special cases for another method. This grid shows alternative names for the individual compensation methods. The "cost per ..." name was used as default.
(artikel from Read more "Affiliate marketing :..."

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